
A healthy diet for lifelong weight management

We all know that maintaining a healthy weight is part of a healthy lifestyle. It can help you with heart disease prevention, diabetes prevention and other health benefits — not to mention feeling comfortable in your own body and enjoying fewer physical limitations.

But there’s more to being healthy than just being thin. Crash diets and fad diets often don’t work in the long run, and can even worsen your health due to nutritional deficiencies and severe spikes and drops in blood glucose. Many trendy diets are designed around inaccurate information, or are designed for people whose bodies process foods in a certain way — which may not be the same way that your body works. It’s important to make sure that you’re getting accurate medical guidance, and that your nutrition plan can be adjusted for your needs.

Most of all, it’s important to have compassionate support from experts who understand the realities of weight management.

Nutrition counseling

There are countless reasons why a person may struggle with their weight. Perhaps you’ve been through a hormonal change. Perhaps you have another medical condition that makes weight management difficult. Maybe there are emotional, psychological or even cultural issues at play. You may even be struggling with several different factors at the same time.

The registered dietitian nutritionists at St. Charles Health System have a thorough understanding of these things. We know that weight issues do not start overnight, and are not solved overnight either. We’re ready to work with you to overcome the obstacles keeping you from your healthy weight goal. This may include counseling, assistance with menu planning, identifying health patterns and other services as needed.

If you have questions about nutrition counseling at St. Charles Health System, contact us today at 541-706-3752. We’re ready to help you get your life on track.

St. Charles Health System provides nutrition counseling for lifelong weight management in Central Oregon.