
Helping with the fight

Our community is made of so many generous members, and never has it been more apparent than in the last few weeks. Thank you for your kindness, support and love.

You have asked us, “How can we help?” There are several main ways that you can join with us in this fight against this new, unknown virus.


Financial Support

We’ll be honest: financially supporting our COVID-19 efforts is the number one way you can help. Preparing for an influx of patients takes money, time, resources and extra staff. The absolute best-case scenario is that we won’t need to utilize the tents, ventilators, extra hospital beds and other supplies, but until then we will continue to prepare for the worst. To make space for a potential surge and to protect other patients, we have cancelled all elective surgeries through June 15. Cancelling these services, while we know it is the right thing to do, represents 45% of our daily revenue and puts a financial strain on our health system. Please consider a monetary donation to help support the care and treatment of all patients during this difficult time.

Recently, we rolled out the St. Charles Hero Fund. This fund provides extra pay to caregivers who work on the front lines. It’s an opportunity for the Central Oregon community to show its love and thank them for their bravery and sacrifice.

Make a donation


Feeding the Soul

The Caregiver Support Team was formed to better support our caregivers and their families during this trying time. They are working together with our community to provide donations, food, mental and physical wellness resources, words of appreciation and tips for working from home. If you would like to make a donation of food, beverages or something to help with our caregivers’ wellbeing, please reach out to


Needle and Thread

Countless individuals and companies have donated personal protective equipment (PPE) and hand-sewn cloth masks and we are so grateful. Cloth masks potentially provide an extra layer of protection to our caregivers to help prevent asymptomatic spread of COVID-19. We met our 10,000 mask goal, so we will distribute the extra to other groups in our community.

Get sewing


Share Your Love

Every day, our caregivers put their lives on the line to fight an unknown enemy and treat patients as best they can with the tools they have. It is challenging physically, mentally and spiritually. Your support and encouragement can make all the difference. Click share your love or fill out the form on the right to send your words of gratitude and encouragement. Or click below to share a video, photo or note on our social media channels.