
International travel increases the risk of travel-related illnesses and other adverse health exposures. Different countries harbor risks that may make you vulnerable to serious illness. Travel medicine focuses on pre-travel preventive care and posttravel illness diagnosis and treatment. Pre-travel counseling is highly recommended for international travelers. Our providers will review your itinerary, planned activities and immunization history to create a comprehensive risk assessment to accurately evaluate risks specific to your travel destination.

These risks could include infectious and noninfectious travel-related illnesses, required immunizations, health regulations and safety issues. We will provide guidance for intervention strategies to ensure your health and safety while traveling and prevent the likelihood of becoming sick during your trip.

  • Managing preexisting conditions that may be impacted by travel
  • Prevention and treatment of traveler’s diarrhea
  • Proactively preventing motion or altitude sickness, jet lag and blood clots
  • Food and water precautions
  • Risks of infections from mosquito-borne illnesses/ medication to prevent malaria
  • Vaccination and yellow card certificate if traveling where yellow fever vaccine is recommended or required

Immunizations are recommended and even required for entry into some countries. Our specialists can provide these immunizations, including the vaccine for yellow fever, which previously had not been readily available locally.

Seeing us before your trip is an added benefit if you become sick after returning home. As an established patient, we’ll have access to your medical records and your travel itinerary.

Travel medicine providers understand global health trends and pathogens that pose a threat in different parts of the world. We can diagnose the following illnesses and discuss treatment options:

  • Traveler’s diarrhea
  • Hepatitis A
  • Malaria
  • Typhoid
  • Yellow fever
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • And many others

We provide complete travel medical care for the entire family. Pre-travel appointments are in person and should be scheduled approximately four to eight weeks in advance of travel. However, timing can be different depending on required immunizations.

Please call to find out the recommended appointment schedule for your travel plans: 541-706-7734.