
Postpartum Depression



Postpartum depression (PPD) is more than just the "baby blues." It's a serious mental health condition that affects mothers after childbirth, often characterized by feelings of extreme sadness, anxiety and exhaustion. Unlike the typical fluctuations in mood that many new mothers experience, PPD persists and can significantly interfere with daily life and bonding with the newborn. Symptoms may include overwhelming fatigue, changes in appetite, difficulty sleeping, intense irritability, and a sense of detachment from the baby. It's crucial to recognize that PPD is not a reflection of a mother's ability to care for her child, but rather a biological and psychological response to the immense hormonal changes and new responsibilities of motherhood. With support, understanding and appropriate treatment, mothers can navigate through PPD and emerge stronger, healthier and more connected with their babies.

At St. Charles, we are committed to supporting mothers through their journey into motherhood and recognize the significant and often overlooked challenges that PPD presents. If you feel you're experiencing the effects of postpartum depression, please reach out to your obstetrician or primary care provider for help.